Should I Get Braces or Invisalign If I’ve Had Gum Disease?

Deciding between braces and Invisalign can be difficult in any situation, but if you have had gum disease the decision is harder and more important. First, you want to make sure that you see a dentist and stop the gum disease before you start any orthodontic procedure. Healthy gums are important and you want to start orthodontic treatment with healthy gums. There is mounting evidence that gum health has a dramatic impact on a person’s overall health. People with gum disease are at much greater risk for other ailments, including heart disease and cardiac valve disease.

After you start receiving treatment for gum disease you and your orthodontist can decide between braces and Invisalign. Often, Invisalign is the best decision if you have previously had gum disease, but every patient is different and your orthodontist recommendation is important.


There are several reasons that Invisalign is a good choice for people who have had gum disease. First, Invisalign offers patients more flexibility in regards to keeping teeth and gums clean. This is very important for patients that have suffered with gum disease. Tooth and gum health improves with good oral hygiene and can improve with the use of Invisalign during orthodontic treatment. The Invisalign aligners are removed for both eating and brushing teeth. This ensures that food does not get stuck to or in the braces. It also allows for good brushing and flossing before you put the aligners back in your mouth. With Invisalign, you can brush and floss normally, without need of specialized dental equipment. With traditional braces, the use of special flossers and devices like a Water-Pik might be advisable to guarantee gum health and to ensure the prevention of cavities around the traditional braces.

Also, properly aligned teeth make brushing and flossing easier, and help to prevent tooth decay while enabling healthier gums. When teeth are crowded it is difficult to remove food particles and bacteria. As your teeth start to move to their correct positions it becomes easier to take care of them. This is a gradual process but it will become easier with each step.

Studies have shown that when your teeth are properly aligned, it helps the gums to tighten around the teeth, which can lead to better periodontal health. One of the Invisalign system’s greatest advantage is its ability for it to align the teeth. With Invisalign the health of your gums may improve after treatment. Since you can brush and floss normally with Invisalign, unlike with traditional braces, you can more easily prevent tooth decay and related periodontal disease.


n 1998 after receiving $140 million in venture capital funding, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Invisalign.


Another more indirect benefit for those considering Invisalign would be promoting fresher breath! People who have gum disease or struggle with basic oral hygiene like flossing are more likely to suffer from bad breath. Halitosis can have a negative impact in social settings and can be embarrassing. If a patient can’t floss or brush as well due to traditional braces interfering with hygiene regimens, then they risk bad breath. This problem would likely be less with a removable appliance such as Invisalign. And, regardless of the type of braces chosen, if you or a loved one suffers from halitosis, a doctor or dentist should be consulted.

If you or your child has crooked teeth and is at risk – or even already experiencing – gum disease, you should call an orthodontist and schedule an appointment. If you are interested in using Invisalign vs. braces and want to discuss the pros and cons of these, call an Orthodontics Only which is an Invisalign authorized orthodontist.

2020 Invisalign Options

In 2019 and leading into 2020, technology has advanced to the point that many of our patients prefer Invisalign over metal braces. While not every case is ideal for Invisalign, many are. Prior to assuming metal braces are your only option, we strongly suggest coming in for a free consultation to allow Dr. Sanders to determine the best course of action to straighten your teeth. As the top Miami Orthodontist, he has helped thousands of patients improve their smiles over the past decade.


To become an Invisalign Elite Provider, an orthodontist has to treat a minimum of 300 Invisalign cases. We are honored to share that Dr. Derek Sanders has received this prestigious designation.